Juoku Pte Ltd a Singapore registered company with a subsidiary in Japan. Founding owners directions to focus on bringing Japanese SME Manufactured products to Singapore to distribute into various Channels.
Channels Mainly on Retail (Showroom), B to C (Direct roadshow, Government official events) B to B Restaurants, Corporate purchase for projects or events Online sales - Qoo10, RedMart
Product we focus on are Japanese Sake, Fresh Seafood & Frozen food.

インターンシップID | 11823 |
業界 | 輸入 / 貿易 / 飲食業界 |
職種 | 営業職 |
社員数(日本人数) | 4名(0名) |
事業内容 | 日本食品の輸入・販売 |
勤務時間 | 9:00時 ~ 6:00時 |
給料・待遇 | 1,000シンガポールドル |
仕事内容 | To cover Japanese restaurant in Singapore and project management of Corporate deals Conducting sales visits to assigned channel.
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